The Barge at Í7iy̓el̓shn

The infamous barge that washed up at Í7iy̓el̓shn aka Sunset Beach

My new roommate and I went walking in the city; I’d brought my camera, & she’d brought a folding stool to carry from her old apartment. We used it as a tripod for this long exposure of the infamous barge at Í7iy̓el̓shn (otherwise known as ‘Sunset Beach’).

This thing washed up here during a massive climate change-induced rainstorm, & it’s stayed for months while various authorities scheme on how to remove it (I assume they’re actually squabbling about who should pay for its removal). The park board put up a sign reading “BARGE CHILLING BEACH”, but this was not its proper name; someone came by later and corrected that using the Squamish word + some orange spraypaint.